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How to Calculate Moving Average

Moving Average Calculator

The Moving Average (MA) formula:

MA = (D1 + D2 + ... + Dn) / n


  • D1, D2, ..., Dn = Demand values for each period
  • n = Number of periods

Moving Average Calculator

Moving Average (MA) Calculator

The Moving Average (MA) calculator is a tool designed to help you analyze and forecast demand patterns for your products or services. By using the Moving Average method, you can determine the average demand over a specific number of periods, which can assist in understanding trends, identifying seasonal variations, and making informed decisions about inventory planning, production scheduling, and resource allocation.

How to Use the Calculator

  1. Enter Demand Values: Start by entering the historical demand values for your product or service. Input the demand values separated by commas in the “Demand values” field. For example, if you have monthly demand data for the past year, you would enter the respective values, such as 100, 120, 110, and so on.
  2. Specify Number of Periods: Indicate the number of periods over which you want to calculate the Moving Average. This value represents the timeframe or window size used to analyze the demand pattern. For instance, if you choose a window size of 3, the Moving Average will be computed by taking the average of the demand values for every three consecutive periods.
  3. Calculate MA: Click on the “Calculate MA” button to obtain the Moving Average value. The calculator will perform the necessary calculations based on your input and display the result in the table below.

Interpretation of Results

The resulting Moving Average (MA) represents the average demand over the specified number of periods. It smooths out short-term fluctuations and provides a more stable estimate of the underlying demand pattern. The MA value can be used for demand forecasting, identifying trends, and understanding the general behavior of your product or service demand.

Example 1:

Let’s consider a scenario where you have collected monthly demand data for a specific product over the past six months: 120, 110, 130, 140, 125, 135. You want to calculate the three-month Moving Average to understand the average demand over this period.

  1. Enter the demand values: 120, 110, 130, 140, 125, 135.
  2. Specify the number of periods: 3.
  3. Click “Calculate MA.”

The calculator will determine the Moving Average as follows: (120 + 110 + 130) / 3 = 120.

The Moving Average (MA) for the three-month period is 120, indicating that, on average, you can expect a demand of 120 units over this timeframe. This value helps you identify the general demand trend and plan your inventory levels accordingly.

Example 2:

Suppose you have weekly demand data for a particular item for the past eight weeks: 50, 60, 45, 70, 55, 50, 65, 60. You want to calculate the four-week Moving Average to analyze the demand pattern.

  1. Enter the demand values: 50, 60, 45, 70, 55, 50, 65, 60.
  2. Specify the number of periods: 4.
  3. Click “Calculate MA.”

The calculator will compute the Moving Average as follows: (50 + 60 + 45 + 70) / 4 = 56.25.

The Moving Average (MA) for the four-week period is approximately 56.25. This value gives you an average estimation of the demand pattern over this period, assisting you in identifying any upward or downward trends and making data-driven decisions regarding inventory management and resource allocation.

Using the Moving Average (MA) calculator empowers you to gain valuable insights into demand patterns and make informed decisions based on historical

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